The Odd Couple - Galaxies M82 and M81

These two spectacular galaxies are neighbors, located near the bowl of the big dipper. M82 is an irregular edge-on galaxy that shows red gas and dark clouds. Its neighbor M81 is face-on, and displays stately grand spiral arms.

Thor’s Helmet

I never cease to be amazed at the imagination shown by astronomers over the years in coming up with names to attach to celestial nebulae. Here is a look from last week at Thor’s Helmet, a hat shaped emission nebula with wing-like appendages, more formally known as NGC 2359.

The Triangulum Galaxy

The Triangulum Galaxy (also known as the Pinwheel Galaxy or M33) is the third largest galaxy in our Local Group of galaxies (after the Milky Way and Andromeda). It is about three million lightyears away from us. Hence we enjoy a better view of it than any other galaxy except Andromeda.

The Pelican Nebula

The Pelican Nebula is an emission nebula whose outlines somewhat resemble the namesake bird. The nebula’s appearance is defined by dark dust clouds that outline the pelican’s long bill and eye, and by bright clouds of ionized gas that form the curved shape of the pelican’s head and neck. The pelican’s body and wing are formed by a complex mixture of bright nebulosity intermixed with dark dust clouds, as is the pouch hanging down from the bill.

The Elephant’s Trunk Nebula

The Elephant’s Trunk Nebula (IC 1396A) is a twisted sinuous structure of interstellar gas and dust that we see back-lit and ionized by intense radiation coming from a nearby massive star. Red light from ionized hydrogen makes it stand out amid the other streams and swirls of dark nebulae.

The Iris Nebula

The Iris Nebula NGC 7023 looks like a celestial blossom. It is a bright reflection nebula whose trademark glowing blue color results from the scattered light of its central star.

The Cocoon Nebula

The Cocoon Nebula, IC 5146, is a cluster of stars involved in a bright emission/reflection nebula riddled by filaments of dark nebula.

The Orion Nebula and the Running Man

Here’s a fresh look at the wonderful Orion Nebula complex (M42 and M43) and the neighboring Running Man. Although I have shown both before, this new view shows how they are related to each other. This is also a longer exposure than before and has been processed to reveal additional subtle detail.