More Veil Nebula - Pickering’s Triangle

The Veil Nebula is the wispy wreckage of a supernova that exploded some eight thousand years ago. Here we see Pickering’s Triangle, yet another portion of the Veil complex, which is located between the east and west portions that we saw previously.

The Western Veil Nebula

The large and extensive Veil Nebula deserves another look. Here we see another separate portion, the western part of the nebula.

The Eastern Veil Nebula

The Veil Nebula is a portion of the wispy wreckage of a supernova that exploded some eight thousand years ago. Here we see the eastern portion.

The Crescent Nebula

Finally, a new object worth sharing: The Crescent Nebula is a faint, loop-shaped nebula forming a partial squashed circle.

The Running Man Nebula

Following a stretch of poor weather, I got a chance to take the telescope out again the other night and got a good look at a somewhat whimsical space ghost - the Running Man Nebula.

The Christmas Tree Cluster

Merry Christmas! In keeping with the holiday, here is a fresh look at one of my favorite objects, the Christmas Tree Cluster, NGC 2264.

Three More Spiral Galaxies

Here are three attractive galaxies that I was able to observe in the past week or so. You will notice that even though they are all spiral galaxies, they exhibit strikingly different appearance.